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Is Your Business Legally Obligated to Provide Medical Care Insurance Benefits? Wired Parish Legal Newsletter

The Options are There

Check the regulations before you offer medical insurance coverage. Consult with your state government and federal government as well as with your insurance company to determine the requirements for employers to offer a particular amount of insurance. Employers who don't offer some form of health insurance may need to be reviewed and scrutinized.

After you've decided whether or the need for offering workers coverage as required by federal law (which does not require employers to reimburse employees on a cost basis) It's now time for a second step: choosing the type of plan that will best suit your company's needs. If you don't have one in place but you have employees who wish to have greater access to medical treatment alternatives through their job (such in dental benefits) Consider offering such services as part of an employee benefit scheme instead of charging out-of-pocket fees every year for treatment that occurs outside of office times or during holiday periods like Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve.

Employee in contrast to. Independent Contractor

It is possible to work as an owner of a business, with fully-time and independent contractors. You should understand the extent to which you'll offer health insurance to your employees.

It is important to define clearly what kind of job each person does for your business. While employees are hired to do specific jobs and get paid wages or salary Independent contractors are employed when needed to perform certain tasks that aren't directly monitored by management and employees alike (or perhaps having direct interaction with the company's management and employees).

Independent contractors are more able to assign responsibilities and do not have to adhere to any legal obligations.
